Toenail fungus, also called onychomycosis, affects about 50% of all Americans over 40. An infection of nail fungus occurs when fungi infect one or more of your nails. A nail fungus infection may begin as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail. As the nail fungus spreads deeper into your nail, it may cause your nail to discolor, thicken and develop crumbling edges – an unsightly and potentially painful problem.
Until laser fungus treatments, there have been only two fungal therapy options:
Renewal Skin Spa offers a new cutting edge laser therapy that can be even more effective, and it is a no down-time treatment. A new nail can grow free of infection, slowly replacing the infected portion of your nail in 9-12 months.
ClearSense utilizes Sciton’s advanced laser technology and real-time temperature monitoring to enable the safe and effective treatment of a variety of indications including ClearToe*, a new treatment for nail fungus with impressive results even for patients who have never seen improvement in the appearance of their nails with other fungal therapies.
Questions? We have answers.
If you’re considering ClearToe™, please schedule a free consultation by calling us at Renewal Skin Spa: 616-940-1177 or click to contact us.